advanced arithmancy
Featuring the Kaylean Theorem
In this section, you will find instruction for divination utilizing numerology, also known as arithmancy - specifically the method referred to as the Kaylean Theorem, which is a method using a deck and a grid, which will provide you with a formula or rules to gain clarity regarding past, present and future events; a general proposition not self-evident but proved by a chain of reasoning with truths established by means of accepted truths, represented by combinations of numbers.
Anything can be used for divination. Tarot cards, palms, bones, crystals, twigs, birds, even numbers. If you find yourself with a special connection to numbers, then Arithmancy may be for you.
There are several methods for using numbers for divination. One of the earliest known landmarks in the history of numerology is Pythagoras. He claimed that man could grasp and explain the nature of the universe only through number and form.
To divine with numbers, we attach significance to each number other than counting. We devise mathematical formulas to give meaning, such as adding up the numbers in one's name, adding them to the numbers in their birthdate, etc.
What we choose numbers to represent can vary. We're used to using numbers to represent such things as time & weight. They can also be used as a code to represent letters, or concepts.
The Kaylean method is comprised of cards of numbers and keywords, and a grid upon which to lay the cards for a spread.
I want to emphasize, there is NOT a lot of math involved with this method. There are a couple of rules you'll want to know, but other than that, it's pretty easy.

The Kaylean Theorem
The Grid
The following is the grid for the Kaylean Theorem. You can copy it down on paper to make your own, or, I also have a very nice, more decorative version of this grid on 22" x 22" reading cloths available on this website by clicking the SHOP button above.

Love /
Love and romantic relationships of the person in question from past, present & future. Can also look at how the other categories affect physical health by where they intersect with this row.

Money /
Money, jobs, career paths/opportunities for the person in question for past, present & future. Can also look at how the other categories affect physical health by where they intersect with this row.

Mental Health
Mental health, worries, stresses, mental clarity, etc for the person in question for past, present & future. Can also look at how the other categories affect physical health by where they intersect with this row.

Family /

Issues relating to family / genetics / cycles of abuse or addiction, legacies, ancestors, etc for the person in question for past, present & future. Can also look at how the other categories affect family issues by where they intersect with this row.

Issues relating to home environment, living arrangements, sense of place for the person in question for past, present & future. Can also look at how the other categories affect the surroundings of the person in question by where they intersect with this row.
Environment / Place /

Physical health of the person in question. Illness, disease, accidents, surgeries, etc. from past, present & future. Can also look at how the other categories affect physical health by where they intersect with this row.
To use this grid, first, obviously, you first need a person to associate your prognostications with. Next, lay out 9 cards onto the spaces provided.
Each row across is associated with a category (Physical Health, Love/Relationships, Career) and each column up & down is associated with a category (Mental Health, Family/Inheritance, Place/Environment).
Each row and column is also assigned a position of Past, Present and Future.
When the cards are placed, one can "read" the cards in much the same manner as one would read Tarot or Lenormand by using the keywords. For example, from left to right, (from past to present to future), in the first row, one could interpret the following:

Hover over each heading for explanations
Now, look at what is in the columns below, and you'll find how the cards on this row also have connections to the other categories. For example, how does "Family" or "Inheritance" influence what's going on with the "Physical Health"?
Do this same process for each row, and for each column.
The next step is to add together the numbers in each row. Do this by adding the number in the "past" to the number in the "present". Then, add the number in the "future" position. Remember to subtract the negative numbers. From this final number, find the CORE number by reducing the answer to a single digit. That will give you the root answer to each category. It's a lot easier than it sounds. After you've done it once you'll get it.
Do the same with the columns, finding the root for each column. Then, add together all the columns and all the rows, and find THAT Core number (reducing the number to a single digit). This will give you the DESTINY NUMBER.
The Destiny Number will either indicate the destiny for the querent or it will issue a warning.
Once you get the hang of this method, you can change the names of the categories if there is something more relevant that you want answers to, or even expand the number of rows & columns. As with everything having to do with numbers, the possibilities can go on into infinity, however the further out you expand, the more vague may be your answers.
The Cards

Each card is numbered (0 - 44) and each number is assigned a definition. Keywords are printed on each card. These definitions are derived from understandings of numbers in numerology primarily from the Chaldean tablets, but also from Pythagorean, I-Ching, and others. There is usually common ground that connects most of these references, with few direct contradictions. For example, chances are, you will never find that anyone references the number 1 to mean completion, endings, or divisiveness.
There are definitions for upright numbers, and definitions for reversals. When a card lands with the number upside-down, it is considered a reversal, or a negative number. Reversals are given different meanings than upright cards. They are not the "opposite", although they can be. They are usually the more negative aspects of a number, the harsher, less desirable attributes. In other modes of divination, whereas a King may be interpreted as noble and honorable upright, he may be ruthless, and a dictator reversed. It is the same with numbers.
Any number of cards can be used for the deck, but for simplicity, we are choosing to complete the deck at 44 - however, the deck will be comprised of 45 cards, because the number zero is also included.
Numbers 0 - 9 also have letter associations.
When adding together numbers in a row, negative numbers are subtracted, and positive numbers are added.
Although the reversals for all cards have meaning and are read as individual cards, the goal is to arrive at the root of these numbers, to what is called in the Kaylean method the "Core Number", or, reducing a number down to a single digit 0 - 9 by adding together the digits in the number. For example, to arrive at the Core Number of 34, you would add together 3 + 4 = 7, the Core Number is 7.
The Core numbers 0 - 9 (and their reversals) are similar to the Trumps or Major Arcana in this deck. They're the root of all the other numbers, and influence the definitions of the expanded numbers. A Core number CAN be a negative number.
There is one special rule with this method with regards to negative numbers. This involves the way we arrive at a Core number when the number we're reducing is a negative number.
The special rule to remember is: When adding together two digits in a negative number, the first digit will be a negative, and the second digit will be a positive. For example, -34 would be (-3) + 4 = 1. This is because when you are looking at -34, what you're looking at is a negative 3 next to a positive 4.
To put it simpler, with negative numbers, subtract the 2nd digit from the 1st digit.
-34 would be 4 - 3 = 1
-20 would be 0 - 2 = -2
-17 would be 7 - 1 = 6
-44 would be 4 - 4 = 0
0 is the only number that can not arrive at a negative CORE number.