Chicken Foot Talismans
Chicken foot talismans are a powerful conjure charm especially effective in guarding against thieves and negative energies, protecting your home, altar and loved ones. I have carefully dehydrated and sanitized these chicken feet, and anointed them, each individually painted and dressed with feathers, scraps, charms and beads. Hang them near a door or above your altar. I do not recommend wearing them or keeping them in your car, as over time they can be damaged. Do NOT keep these in places where pets can get them - cats and dogs will eat them. I have found these to be very effective. Chickens use their claws to protect their territory, scratching the offender.
Each is singularly unique.
*** As with all hand-made items on this page, these must be ordered separately from other website items. Other items on my website are designed by me, and they are drop-shipped from my printer. These are shipped from my shop.